Monday, December 20, 2010

Vypers den: Vyper tactics!

Vypers are often overlooked and even maligned by many Eldar players. Heck, I used to dismiss them myself-mainly because they didn't quite fit the playstyle of my army. Having started a Jetbike focused Eldar army, however, has brought Vypers to the top of the list of things I include in my army list these days. 

Monday, December 13, 2010

Another tournament, another day:

So I recently played in a tournament at a local Games Workshop store (the LA Battle Bunker) and got some good practice in with my Jetbike Eldar. This was a 1500 point tournament with an added twist of having a 500 point side board you could swap into your army (you had to decide before seeing your opponent's army list but after you knew what your opponent's army would be). Another twist was that every game had spearhead deployment and a random mission objective. You had to set up objectives as per the 2 objective missions in the rulebook and then on turn 3, you would roll to see what mission you were playing for so it added a crazy tactical edge to the tournament and games that I enjoyed. Further adding to the craziness was the bonus points.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Autarchs and you!

First off, I want to preface this with saying that Autarchs are not for every Eldar army. Some armies will benefit more from them than others, especially depending on the loadout of the Autarch. Since the Eldar HQs are designed to support aspects of your forces, when you include an Autarch in your army it is for 2 specific reasons:

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Battle Report : A little (not so) friendly competition...

So I played a few games against my good friend Nick from the other day and decided to post a Battle Report from one of our games that I think went well and really showcased some strengths and weaknesses of both our armies (Jetbike Eldar vs Dark Eldar).

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Jetbike WIP (part one)

So after a decade of thinking about making an Eldar Jetbike army, I started to put one together.

Monday, November 22, 2010

1850 tournament battle reports:

To Arms!

So here is the rundown of a local 1850 tournament I participated in. Feel free to post any comments, questions or feedback you may have about my list, gameplay and also remember you can click on the pictures to make them bigger!

An army list!

So having built up a sizable force I wanted to test the army (and my skill) at a local tournament! The tournament is for 1850 points so this is the list I have been working on as of late:

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Incoming Eldar fleet! (part one)

My jetbike army is nowhere near finished but I thought it would be cool to post the general progression of it sofar.

And so it begins...

This is my first official post on the blog and I wanted to set the tone for upcoming content in this post. With the meta-game being the way it is, mechanized spam left and right, my purely foot Iyanden army isn't quite as competitive as I would like it to be as it struggles with a lot of the things the newer codexes can bring to the table. I will eventually post pictures, battle reports and tactics for a footslogging Iyanden style army in upcoming posts as well as advice on how to transition a footslogging Iyanden army into a 5th edition monster of an army by adding a bit of mech (I took 3rd in the 40k 'Ard boyz finals with an Iyanden style army  and was 1" from being in first place too...).

With all of that said, I am in the process of building up a jetbike army for my eldar and they will be in the theme of Yriel's pirate fleet so the army will obviously reflect an Iyandenish style and color scheme. The jetbike army will be the focus of the blog for a while with army lists, battle reports and tactics so stay tuned for upcoming updates!